Built 1903
Tonnages 1035 grt, 548 nrt
Dimensions 220.0 x 34.1 x 12.5 ft
Shipbuilder (yard number) Dundee Shipbuilders, Dundee (142)
Engine builder MacColl & Pollock, Sunderland
Engine T3cyl (18, 30, 49 x 33in), 161nhp
O.N. 114042
Owners 1903 Goole & West Riding S.S. Co. (H. W. Ezard) as EDIE
  1917 Yorkshire Coal & Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., Goole
  1919 renamed MERVILLE
Fate 15/03/1923 sank 20 miles off Steenbank on a voyage from Goole to Ghent with coal.


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