Built 09/1903
Tonnages 1023 grt, 490 nrt
Dimensions 240.1 x 33.1 x 15.7 ft
Shipbuilder (yard number) A. McMillan & Co. Ltd., Dumbarton (391)
Engine builder Clyde S.B. & Engineering Co. Ltd., Port Glasgow
Engine T3cyl (21, 35, 58 x 36in), 229nhp
O.N. 114043
Owners 1903 Goole Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., Goole
  1905 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Company, Goole
Fate 12/02/1912 sank after a collision with German steamer ANSWALD when 6 miles off the Elbe Light Vessel, inward from Goole for Hamburg with coal and general cargo



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