Built 08/1903
Tonnages 875 grt, 394 nrt
Dimensions 234.8 x 31.7 x 15.2 ft
Shipbuilder (yard number) Clyde S.B. & Engineering Co. Ltd., Port Glasgow (256)
Engine builder Clyde S.B. & Engineering Co. Ltd., Port Glasgow
Engine T3cyl (21, 35, 58 x 36in), 229nhp
O.N. 114041
Owners 1903 Goole Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., Goole
  1905 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Company, Goole
Fate 11/03/1906 sank west of the Maas Light Vessel after her cargo shifted on passage Goole for Rotterdam with coal and general cargo. 12 lost from her crew of 19.


From the collection of Stan Threadgould

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